


A flexible, space-optimizing lift tailored to unique needs

The positioning-lift in the center of the system does the fully automated storage and retrieval, and withdraw from store. The equipments controller panel gives only necessary orders.

The computer-controlled positioning lift unit, known as the “extractor,” is positioned in front of and behind the storage shelves. This is where the goods are stored on storage trays.

The loading and unloading of goods are carried out using the computer controlled lift unit. The “extractor” transports the goods to the ergonomic dispensing area at a convenient height.

Lean-Lift designers continuously come up with new solutions and make the equipment more and more perfect. Besides significant developments, a lot of smaller solutions are created as well, that make truly user-friendly the automats for warehouses.

The system is suitable for storing products of various sizes

Due to the arrangement of the control system and the product-height measurer photocells we can change, at any time, the height of the products to be store on the storing-trays without the machine’s mechanical modifing. The automat can flexibly adapt to the storage of any differently sized product.


Easily reduce order picking times

It conveys the extremly assimetric loads without trouble, due to its elevating unit, with supporting rollers, that is elevated by chains on its 4 corners.

The height-sensors arrangement is equal to the distance between the storage profiles. The space optimalising system guarantee the minimal loss of space.


The Hänel Lean-Lift EcoDrive converts kinetic energy into electrical energy

Applying Hänel Lean-Lift EcoDrive elaborate kinetic energy, coming from the downwards sloping lift, into electric power and produce it back into the system.
Hänel Pick-to-Light-Vario is useful, if tray-selecting is variable. The unit moves freely upon two axis and it identifies different products with the help of 4 integrated LED.


Whether it’s about the ergonomic retrieval of heavy loads or small components, Lean-Lifts offer a wide range of application possibilities

All storage and retrieval operations can be directly performed at the lift control unit. This means it enables the management not only of Rotomat, Lockomat, Lean-Lift, and MultiSpace® units, even shelving and pallet systems. A standard interface ensures data exchange with various types of material handling systems.

Practical and easily customizable Lean-Lift systems can be designed for storing small components, ergonomic retrieval of heavy loads, or even multifunctional use.


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