Hänel strives for environmental friendliness in their development and manufacturing processes.
For instance, Hänel was the first manufacturer of vertical lift technology to develop the EcoDrive® system, which converts the descending extractor’s kinetic energy into electrical energy and feeds it back into the electrical supply system. Hänel EcoDrive can improve your energy footprint and considerably reduce CO 2 emmisions!
Hänel enclosed storage automatons are made using high-quality materials and modern manufacturing technology. Delivery warehouses equipped with Hänel storage technology are capable of outstanding picking performance and maximum efficiency thanks to their unique design and short distances.
The technically advanced and high-quality Hänel Lean-Lift can also be used as a standalone system. The warehouse can be gradually expanded with the installation of additional Lean-Lift units to meet growing demands.
With the help of the collapsible consols, the tray-carring cars, position LED and other supplements, a fully customized, ergonomic equipment can be established.
Practical and easily customizable Lean-Lift systems can be designed for storing small components, ergonomic retrieval of heavy loads, or even multifunctional use.
Corporate efficiency increasing innovative solutions – like the automatic puffer-storage, the doubletray version, which provides double performance or the governing units with microprocessors – with ideas, that provide the comfort of working process, guarantee a ecspecially intelligent storage system.
The heart of the Lean-Lift is the electronically controlled lift unit. At the center of the system is the extractor, which performs fully automated storage and retrieval. The operator of the Lean-Lift storage lift system simply provides the necessary instructions on the control panel.
The computer-controlled positioning lift unit, called the “extractor,” is located in front of and behind the storage shelves. This is where the goods are stored on storage trays. The storage and retrieval of goods are carried out using the electronically controlled lift unit. The “extractor” transports the goods to an ergonomic height discharge area.
Due to the arrangement of the control system and the product-height measurer photocells, we can change, at any time, the height of the products to be stored on the storing-trays without the machine’s mechanical modification. The automat can flexibly adapt to the storage of any differently sized product.
Applying Hänel Lean-Lift EcoDrive elaborate kinetic energy, coming from the downwards sloping lift, into electric power and produce it back into the system. High-speed doors provide that more worker can work at the same time with Lean-Lift, at different access points.
Hänel Pick-to-Light-Vario is useful, if tray-selecting is variable. The unit moves freely upon two axis and it identifies different products with the help of 4 integrated LED
The Hänel Lean-Lift system’s key benefits include
- Fast storage and retrieval
- Optimal, compact storage for items of varying heights
- Reduced order processing times
- Increased efficiency and cost savings
- Storage and handling of bulk and heavy items
- Suitable for storing even highly sensitive instruments
- Weight capacity of up to 1,000 kg per storage tray
- Integrated article storage management!